B20 Turkey Task Force & Working Group Consultation Survey

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As B20 Turkey Executive Committee, we are very excited for Turkey hosting B20 in 2015. Over the last five annual G20 Summit cycles ad hoc groupings of the world business community, operating collectively as the Business-20 or “B20,” have prepared policy recommendations to G20 leaders. Up to the 2014 Sydney B20 Summit, 41 distinct policy task forces composed of business leaders from across the G20 have prepared upwards of 400 business recommendations for G20 Leaders’ consideration. The top 20 B20 recommendations from the 2014 B20 Summit can be viewed here.

As a part of our preparations for the next year, we are now exploring themes for the Turkish B20 Presidency in 2015.

As an important member of the global business community, your views on policy priorities and themes are valuable to an effective B20 process. Please take 2-3 minutes to fill out the survey below.

About you

Please provide the following professional details to begin the survey. The information will improve our understanding of global business priorities and help make the B20 Turkey process more inclusive.
Are you a business owner or CEO? *This question is required.